achi's Caching Memories program virtually connects socially isolated or lonely older adults to younger adults providing them with an avenue to reminisce, share their stories and personal photos, and improve their sense of connection to the world around them.
In addition to the social impact, loneliness can have a direct impact on a person’s health and well-being, costing our healthcare system billions of dollars annually.
Through weekly enriching conversations, older adults connect with trained younger adults (Reminiscence Guides) via phone or computer to build relationships and share stories.
The stories and photos shared are captured as a keepsake for the older adult to continue to engage and connect with others, including family, friends, and caregivers.

An endless ripple effect of impact.
Caching Memories is a multifaceted program, impacting every person involved in positive ways.

Older Adults
Experience improved quality of life and well-being
Feel a continuous sense of connection to the world around them through storytelling and sharing photos
Build purposeful relationships with a younger generation
Reminisce on their life story and impart wisdom, taking on a new social role as a teacher
Receive a keepsake capturing elements of their life stories to continue to connect with family and friends
Help train our future healthcare workers in person-centered care and empathy
Share your story.

Provide a new non-pharmacological approach to memory care for their loved one
Build stronger familial bonds and connection to their loved one through shared stories and photos
Learn more about their loved one’s life
Newfound appreciation for the wisdom and past-life experiences their loved one has had
Enjoy their family stories and photos preserved as a keepsake to be shared with future generations
Keep treasured memories alive.

University Students and Institutions
Gain experience in communicating and building rapport with an older generation
Learn about Photo Reminiscence Therapy
Develop vital communication skills and relationship-building techniques through storytelling methods
Gain skills in building person-centered care versus disease-centered care resulting in better future caregivers
Learn from the lessons imparted by the older generations and reflect on those experience
Accrue service learning hours
Impact the community.
Facilities and Caregivers
Gain the opportunity to learn more about their residents on a personal level
Feel a deeper sense of connection to their residents through shared stories and photos
Engage in meaningful conversation that builds trust and companionship with their residents
Experience more engaged, compliant residents
Bring to light that their residents are people with life stories and more than their clinical diagnosis
Feel a greater sense of purpose at work and revive passion to have better overall job satisfaction
Improve your overall quality of care.

Insurance Companies
Investment in members' health that improves their overall well-being
Increase member satisfaction and positively impact CMS Star Ratings
Differentiate your service offerings
for growth in market share
Attractive program for value-based provider networks
Reductions in overall spend per beneficiary for participating members
Shared values with an organization that understands holistic care
Enhance your members' well-being.
